Valmark Financial Group

New Business Intern

January 2022 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

What I enjoy about Valmark and the insurance department is their willingness to help you grow and learn more about whatever you find interesting. I was able to job shadow multiple departments as well as do meaningful work that contributed to the team. I was also given a project to work on throughout my time as an intern to broaden my experience.

What I wish was different


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Investment Planning Intern

November 2020 • Akron, OH

What I liked

Valmark is a very inclusive company that puts as much effort into their interns as they do their full-time employees. Everyone I have come in contact with has been so nice and willing to help me adjust to my position. The company values are shown in every interaction weather it's a presentation with the executives or just a conversation with a fellow collogue. So far, it has been a great experience as far as learning and networking.

What I wish was different

So far, there's not much that I would change about my experience. The amount of information that was given within the first month of being here was a little overwhelming, however, I was eager to get started so it didn't bother me much.


Take full advantage of everything that is going on around you. This experience is too significant to just show up every day and just sit at your desk for 8 hours and then go home. Interact with the people you pass in the office, get to know the people you will be closely working with, and go to the fun events that are planned throughout the year. Don't be hesitant to really make this a personal experience rather than just something to put on your resume.
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Business Development Intern

October 2021 • Akron, OH

What I liked

I will echo what everyone else says who has interned at Valmark. The culture is second to none. I have genuinely enjoyed coming to work for the majority of my days here. I am about four months deep in my internship experience, and I feel like I have gained many career skills already. Something that plagues students entering the workforce is a fear of failure, and a lack of humility. I too have had these struggles. What I have learned is that Valmark supports humility, learning & growth through great management and culture. I have been given plenty of room to take ownership of my role and I have learned to take ownership of my failures and my successes. Team members value your work, value your ideas, and respect you as if you were a full-time employee, which is rare. I would highly recommend interning/work at Valmark to anyone who sees a role available that they can fit.

What I wish was different

Although this is an issue specific to my exact intern role, I think it is worth noting. To my knowledge. I am the second of two interns to fill this role at Valmark. I think that because of that, the role was not super clearly defined for me in the interview process. I had enough information to be confident in entering the role, but not enough to understand what my day to day responsibilities would look like. Fortunately, I enjoy the majority of my responsibilities; However, the incomplete communication did make me hesitate joining Valmark. This is an issue that was almost unavoidable for the HR team, as the role has not been exercised thoroughly.


If you are not naturally collaborative, this company will be helpful for you. Nearly anywhere you work in Valmark, or the business world at large, will require some amount of teamwork and collaboration. You will likely be encouraged to interact with other employees during the work day or at company events. Truly, it is something worth learning before you enter the workforce. If you are naturally antisocial like me, be ready to get a little uncomfortable & grow in this area.
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Vendor Services Intern

March 2021 • Akron, OH

What I liked

This whole internship was great. Valmark allowed me experience so much industry experience and have a wide variety of interactions with different people in different roles in the personal finance industry. I was able to take on a wide variety of tasks that I found interesting and they provided the proper help and support which allowed me to succeed. Valmark always encouraged me to learn and grow and was willing to invest time and effort into my professional development. I could not have wished for a better internship experience and I will be forever grateful for all they have done for me. Valmark's culture is amazing and really something special. I do not find it hard to believe that they won the best place to work in North East Ohio multiple times. Valmark has provided me so many great experiences and is a place I was able to make many professional and personal connection with those I met.

What I wish was different


One piece of advice I would give you to to work hard and step outside your comfort zone. Outside your comfort zone is where growth happens. There could not be a more safe and welcoming environment to grow and try new things.
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January 2021 • Akron, OH

What I liked

I absolutely love working for an employer that genuinely cares about my professional development. I have learned so much in my time here such as professionalism, life insurance, and how to develop a marketing database. I love the atmosphere when I go to work. My mom always told me, "You can go to a workplace and sense the morale of the employees by seeing how much laughter, high energy, and friendships are present." Even though majority of people do work in a cubicle setting Valmark is never short on good times, great people, and positivity. Lastly, I love working for Valmark because it gave me a fresh start. I have always worked in the restaurant industry or in a sales position before working at Valmark. Since being there, I have learned my passion which is marketing. I have also learned there is so many opportunities to grow at Valmark.

What I wish was different



My one piece of advice for someone who is interested or thinking of applying is that its okay to not know. Its okay to not know where you will be in 5 years. Its okay to not know what you want and it's certainly okay to not understand everything when you first begin. I've been at Valmark for 8 months now and I am still learning.
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Communications Intern

May 2021 • Akron, OH

What I liked

There are a lot of qualities I enjoy about working at Valmark Financial Group with the biggest being the general atmosphere/ culture. Everyone at the company is really friendly and as an intern they want you to succeed and to get to know you better, even the CEO. You will actually work on cases and do meaningful tasks, unlike other experiences I have had. Overall great internship experience!

What I wish was different


When going to the interview keep in mind this could be a future career for after you graduate, Valmark hires a lot of their interns upon graduation.
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Financial Operations Intern

March 2021 • Akron, OH

What I liked

The culture at Valmark is one of a kind. The people are wonderful, executives and management are super accessible, and they deeply care about the personal and professional development of their interns. As an intern, the responsibilities I have been given have greatly enhanced my knowledge of the finance industry and have helped developed my skillset that I feel confident in my abilities to contribute to meaningful projects and apply my knowledge in real-world scenarios. Finally, the internship program and staff consistently take the time to make sure you are getting the most out of your internship. Whether it be networking opportunities, education about different lines of business in the industry, as well as regularly checking in just to see how things are going, Valmark's commitment to their interns is truly special.

What I wish was different


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Life Settlements Intern

May 2021 • Akron, OH

What I liked

Valmark works really hard to build into their people. They value education, and make a point to block out time for interns and new employees to learn about how the business functions. Every attempt I've made to further my education has been supported in one way or another. Valmark also has uniquely high integrity. While the "core values" the business holds are probably things you've heard before, you may be surprised to find that this place actually sticks to them. Finally, the leadership here is incredibly down to earth. Having worked a few places, I can say that I've never been treated with as much respect as I have here. They truly seem to care about their people.

What I wish was different

Starting work here feels like jumping into the deep end of the pool in terms of information. With Valmark working in areas of insurance, investments, operating as broker, and having many different complex departments, your head may be spinning for the first few weeks. I think that's why they take so much time to ease you in and educate you. While it can be stressful trying to get your bearings, they are very gracious and supportive during that time.


I would only apply if you genuinely want to work in this field. This is not a phone-in "coffee internship." The company will put real time and effort into your education, and they are dead serious about providing full time positions to the people who want to be here, and have the work to show it. If you want to make the most of this opportunity, you should connect with as many people here as possible. There are experts in tons of areas, and almost every one will take time to sit down and talk with you, and answer questions. That's priceless.
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Business Analyst Intern

March 2021 • Fairlawn, OH

What I liked

The continued growth I've seen in my 6 months at Valmark has been exceptional. This is a work environment where the interns are treated as full time employees, and everyone at Valmark really shows they care and are willing to help you whether it is professionally, in school, or even at a personal level. The most intriguing item of this program is the fact that I never feel like I am doing busy work. I am never making copies all day or anything of that sort, but doing work that gives me a feeling that I am actually doing something beneficial to the company.

What I wish was different


Something I wish I had taken advantage of earlier would be asking more questions. The experienced employees are willing to help you at any moment, and will always take time out of their day to take the extra step and explain the why behind anything and everything, without making you feel like you're bothering anyone. Taking advantage of this program is something that should be taken seriously. Valmark allows any intern to shadow any department of their choice, and gives each intern the opportunity to visit member offices for a day to shadow how they handle their business.
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IT Infrastructure Intern

September 2020 • Akron, OH

What I liked

At Valmark, you are given the opportunity to do the same work as full-time employees. I have never felt like I was being limited while working here, which has allowed me to develop my skills in a way that would not be possible at many other companies. In IT infrastructure specifically, we have a small team supporting a wide range of technologies, users, and needs. This has allowed me to work in a variety of IT disciplines. At a larger company, the experience would likely be much more narrow in scope. I also appreciate the flexibility that Valmark has with my school schedule. As long as I work at least 15 hours a week during normal business hours, I am free to pick a schedule that best fits my needs.

What I wish was different


When seeking an internship at Valmark, think of the opportunity as a chance for a future full-time position rather than just an internship.
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Insurance Marketing Intern

December 2020 • Akron, OH

What I liked

Valmark has given me the opportunity to gain real-world experience within the finance industry. I have quickly become a part of the team assisting with the everyday job duties and getting hands-on experience. The culture is awesome and everyone has been so willing to help me learn and succeed!

What I wish was different


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IT Development Intern

June 2021 • Akron, OH

What I liked

The atmosphere of the workplace was very inviting. Everyone here at Valmark greets you with a smile and wants to get to know who you are, where you're from, etc. Even the CEO himself takes the time to get to know interns coming into the business and their stories before coming to Valmark. The hiring supervisors are there not only to get you set up to work, but also to foster the learning aspect of the internship over anything else. Lastly, the internship program is very flexible with new hires, especially students like myself, and is willing to work with you in order to make sure you are getting the most out of your time with Valmark, while also finding a healthy balance with the rest of your life (school, home life, commutes, etc).

What I wish was different


Be as outgoing as possible. The staff at Valmark are some of the most welcoming and friendly people I have ever met, and will stop at nothing to make you feel included in the Valmark family. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions, whether it be about the business, work, scheduling, etc. There is so much knowledge to be obtained here, so ask away.
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May 2020 • Akron, OH

What I liked

The year I have spent as an intern here has positively shaped me both personally and professionally. As an intern, I have been given the opportunity to do meaningful work on a daily basis that has given me a much better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses and of the financial services industry overall. The people at Valmark are incredibly supportive and I know that they want to see each intern succeed and they will regularly go out of their way to make that happen.

What I wish was different


Ask as many questions as possible and seek out more experienced employees for feedback and advice. While it may be uncomfortable at first, you will be amazed at how much you learn by taking this approach and you will be much better suited for your future career as a result.
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