Coworkers and supervisors were extremely helpful and knowledgable in many areas of helping clients. They understood their role as workers and gave me greater insight on Child Protective Services.
What I wish was different
More experience using the database and computers to access documents for learning purposes.
Self care is crucial within this field of work. It can be mentally and emotionally impacting on mental health. Find something you enjoy doing and do it frequently.
One person found this helpful
Child Protective Services Intern
May - August 2019 • Port Huron, MI
What I liked
I enjoyed the environment and all the people I got to meet within the department. When I went out with a worker each made conversation asking questions about myself and asked what I wanted to do with my degree. When going out with workers they all made it a point to explain what was going on and how they work with the each situation.
What I wish was different
I wish I was able to get more computer access, knowing the different types of programs they deal with inputting data.
At first I wasn’t sure if this type of work was something that was going to interest me. When I started I soon began to figure out that I could end up making this a career. My piece of advice is go after the unthinkable, do something that scares you because at the end of the day you might end up loving it. You never really know until you make that first step, nothing is not reachable.