
Customer Service Representative

November 2021 • Brownsville, TX

What I liked

Maximus is flexible, allows for accommodation around my school schedule. Has great benefits.

What I wish was different

Personally, would have chosen to work from home.


Give it time to get used to the environment, we all start somewhere but you just have to be patient and give it a chance.
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Customer Service Representative

May - August 2023 • Albany, NY

What I liked

I liked that it was a work fro home environment.

What I wish was different

I wish the training was also from home and that I could use my own equipment


Pay lots of attention to the training before you get on the phone alone. It's a 6 week training and everything is very important
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2022 • McLean, VA

What I liked

Awesome onboarding and intern orientation run by the campus recruiting/human resources team. Worked with a helpful and exciting team, in Enterprise Architecture. Also completed a project with interns from different teams involving consulting for another company.

What I wish was different



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Lead Investigator

May - August 2020 • Greenfield, IN

What I liked

I liked learning more about healthcare through contact tracing. My favorite part of this job was researching contacts.

What I wish was different


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Sr. Case Management

August 2020 • Miami, FL

What I liked

It’s honestly such a great job. People are constantly working with you trying to improve your skills and it’s a learning experience. Everyone is so kind and helpful.

What I wish was different

I wish it wasn’t a temporary job, I can honestly see myself working long term.


Don’t be afraid to speak up, communicate with others. If they’re willing to help, they will. I usually have a lot of questions and I’m cautious about my work, and I didn’t want to come off as unprepared, but everyone was helpful and guided me to the right direction.
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Technical Writing Intern

May 2019 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

I loved the entirety of my internship at MAXIMUS. From the beginning of the program, you could tell that MAXIMUS was very serious about this program. The interns not working at the corporate headquarters of MAXIMUS in Virginia, like myself, were flown there for orientation with the Virginia interns, which was a very cool experience itself, and then were sent back to their respective offices to begin their work. I found the people I worked with during my internship to not only be good colleagues and mentors, but also good friends. They provided me with work that felt like it mattered and also gave plenty of feedback whenever I completed a task, something I found very helpful. I had the opportunity to work on a project with company-wide impact, something I was in awe of when initially given that task. I was also given opportunities to work on tasks outside of my immediate team's scope of work, which allowed me to meet and work with people all throughout the MAXIMUS organization and all throughout the country. This allowed me to gain insight into the many different things that MAXIMUS does. At the end of my internship, I was very thankful to have been offered a part-time position in a similar role at MAXIMUS, which I accepted and am currently working in. Overall, my internship at MAXIMUS was nothing but excellent. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

What I wish was different

The only thing I wish had been different would be to have completed the company-wide project that I was working on from the middle of the internship until the end. However, this was by no means a flaw of the program, simply a product of the type of work that the project was.


Specifically for anyone who is considering an internship at the St. Paul office of MAXIMUS, be sure to give serious thought to how you will get there. I found public transportation from the western suburbs to the St. Paul location to be difficult to use, and so on the days I went to the office I ended up driving. For the program as a whole, I highly recommend staying in contact with your intern group throughout the program and beyond. The other interns in different locations can offer insights into the company that you would not get just from your own experience in your location.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2019 • Reston, VA

What I liked

People were great! Everyone is super friendly and there to help you. Even the CEO's door was always open. Super cool if you ask me.

What I wish was different

More responsibility and opportunity to learn about different roles. Also a lot of people worked remotely on my team so it was kind of hard to build relationships


Make the most of it! Talk to everyone, including the CEO, because they are just there to help you.
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Business Analyst Intern

May - August 2018 • Denver, CO

What I liked

My supervisors were great and a lot of fun to work for. The company also flew myself and the other interns out to Washington D.C. to get to know each other and learn about the company which was really cool as well. I also liked the work that I was doing. All of it was applicable to my career and will definitely help me to get other jobs in the future.

What I wish was different

The Maximus denver office was a little small and quiet and I wish that the office had been a little bit bigger or that there was more of an office presence there.


I would say my one piece of advice is to not worry too much when you're an intern. An internship is a chance to explore a career without having to be worried about needing to leave a job if you don't like it. I was really nervous about making good impressions for a long time at the beginning of my internship and forgot to just have fun with my time there.
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Technical Writer Intern

May - December 2018 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

My internship experience was great. It began with being flown out to Washington D.C. to learn more about the company, network with other interns, and meet people higher-ups, including the CEO. While in St. Paul, I was able to grow my technical skills under the supervision of a caring mentor. After some training assignments, I was able to comfortably take on my own assignments, lead meetings, and provide input into team activities.

What I wish was different

I wish we would have gotten more time with the CEO. He is kind and had some really good advice, but we only got to spend a couple of minutes with him.


Ask questions! If you are unsure of what to do, feel free to ask. I find that it is better to take a couple minutes to ask a clarifying question, than to work on something for an hour and have to do it again because it was not correct the first time.
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Proposal Intern

May - August 2018 • Reston, VA

What I liked

I was given an interesting project for the entire summer and my supervisors really cared about my presentation and paper at the end of the summer. I was included in all of the meetings and allowed to ask questions daily.

What I wish was different

I wished that we could rotate to different departments within MAXIMUS to get exposure to other parts of the business.


Make sure to ask questions and take advantage of learning from everyone at MAXIMUS. There are lots of opportunities during the internship, but to get the most out of the internship you must be proactive and find those opportunities.
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Data Analytics Intern

June - August 2017 • Reston, VA

What I liked

We weren't treated like college students, we were able to do real work and really have the freedom to reach out to whomever in the company. We also got to meet the COO, CEO, President which was a really cool experience as an intern.

What I wish was different

I wish there was slightly more supervision in my specific department. It was a little too hands off for me.


Make sure to make the most of networking, there's so many people and so many different resources available to you.
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