Eide Bailly LLP

Tax Intern

May 2024 • Billings, MT

What I liked

I have absolutely adored my time at Eide Bailly. The firm is full of people who genuinely care about you as an individual and want to see you succeed. The leaders have patience with the learning process but still challenge you to do your best and learn through your mistakes. This exemplifies the work culture that sets this firm apart from so many others!

What I wish was different

The majority of our training sessions in the first few weeks were done through online programs. I learned the most from the in-person sessions that some incredible associates arranged for us during week one and would have loved more opportunities to learn this way.


Do not be afraid to fail and ask questions. Struggle through the software for a few hours, get the wrong answers, and it will make your experience here that much more engaging and educational.
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Tax Intern

June - August 2024 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

Everyone was super supportive and welcoming; they really want to help you learn! I was never afraid to ask for help or ask clarifying questions. It truly felt like everyone was supporting me the entire time.

What I wish was different


Don't be complacent. There's always someone you can ask for more advice, work. or help! Don't be afraid to be proactive during your internship.
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Microsoft Developer

January 2024 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

I have loved my time at Eide Bailly so far. As a developer and a consultant, I can combine my love for technology with my desire to work with people. As a new intern, it could be easy to feel set aside until you are more developed as an employee. But not at Eide Bailly. I love the structure they give to interns as they begin their training, and your managers and senior leadership really want to help you succeed. I have felt appreciated and invested in here and that has made a big difference in my internship.

What I wish was different


With a remote internship, I would place extra emphasis on making sure you still get to know your co-workers, managers, and senior management. When appropriate, be an active participant in your online meetings, and don't be afraid to ask questions!
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Data Analytics Intern

January 2024 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

High speed great if you want to learn a lot and become the best at anything. Nice people. Part of the work is training and getting more certificates. It was remote.

What I wish was different



Work Hard and use all your time for your advantage
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R&D Tax Intern

May - August 2023 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

The culture at Eide Bailly was amazing, I seriously enjoyed getting to know my co-workers and they went above and beyond to help me feel welcome and part of the family.

What I wish was different


Really go after your work with a can do attitude, don't be afraid to ask questions, and be sure to network with your co-workers!
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Banking Compliance Intern

May - August 2023 • Mankato, MN

What I liked

The work environment/culture at Eide Bailly is truly phenomenal. My department was engaging, welcoming, and willing to help me learn how to be successful in my internship. I loved the people I got to work with at the firm, and the internship was structured to provide me with well-rounded insight into the banking compliance world.

What I wish was different


Take advantage of engaging with people in other departments! The Specialty Services office is pretty small, and I wish I had done a better job at getting to know coworkers in our office outside of my department. Eide Bailly truly does strive to create an awesome workplace culture, but that requires you to embrace it!
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Audit Intern

January - April 2023 • Ogden, UT

What I liked

I loved the people I worked with and enjoyed the different interactions I had with both my coworkers and the clients I did audits for. I specifically enjoyed getting to know my coworkers through team lunches, teambuilding activities, and fun group chats on Teams. I felt my coworkers were very patient with me and my lack of experience but still entrusted me with challenging work so I felt like I was making a difference. The pay was also excellent and competitive, and they even raised my wage between the time I got the offer and the time I actually started! I also had the option, on several occasions, to work from home if the weather was bad or I had personal matters to attend to. They were incredibly flexible with my schedule as long as I communicated with my team. I also had the opportunity to travel to Denver for some training (large expenses covered) at the beginning which was a blast and I appreciated being treated like an adult (got my own hotel room, free time to explore the city, etc.)

What I wish was different

I wish the local training and onboarding had been a little more exciting and motivating. My first day felt very unorganized and I barely got to meet any employees outside of the other interns and new associates that I was training with. The few days after that were a little better as we were trained by senior associates and managers and got taken out to lunch but it was still a little rough as we were mostly watching videos. I wish there was more hands on training right at the beginning with actual clients but I got the hang of it eventually.


My advice for those looking into doing an audit internship at Eide Bailly would be to not be afraid to speak up! Don't be afraid to participate in conversations/group chats with your coworkers, don't be afraid to ask questions, and especially don't be afraid to call something out even if you could be wrong. Because in audit, it's easy to do something wrong and then carry that mistake over the next year and the next year until someone notices it.
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Audit Intern

January 2023 • Fort Collins, CO

What I liked

Culture, learning methods, industry exposure

What I wish was different



Do it! Best application-based learning experience I have had
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Audit Intern

January 2023 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

I like this company because they give equal opportunities to all staff regardless who you are. the company culture is so amazing, inclusion and many benefits to staffs.

What I wish was different

working environment and technology are so amazing. Other staff are willing to help and answering your questions. Work flexibilities and enough benefits.


If you get opportunity to work for this company, you are on the track to grow, learn and explore different opportunities.
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June 2022 • Fargo, ND

What I liked

They had a well put together program

What I wish was different



Go in with an open mind and with as many questions as you can think of about the industry
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Audit Intern

June - July 2022 • Boise, ID

What I liked

It was a great way to get experience in multiple industries and with different types of audits. Everyone was extremely helpful and welcoming.

What I wish was different

I wish that they had more hands-on training rather than just watching training videos.


Go in with an open mind and be ready to learn. You will be thrown into a lot of jobs quickly and need to absorb information efficiently.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2021 • Boise, ID

What I liked

I really enjoyed the team and working onsite in the audit room. I also appreciated that I got to do some in person audits.

What I wish was different

I wish that the weeks I wasn't assigned to an audit were more structured.


I think its a really good idea to try out both audit and tax before making a decision about which you would like to go into.
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Audit Intern

June 2020 - July 2021 • Denver, CO

What I liked

The people are absolutely amazing. Interns are thoroughly trained and receive guidance through the entire internship. I always felt included in office events and have made great personal connections. I was able to work in the office as well as travel to clients. You have free parking in the parking garage, which is extremely convenient. Most interns did receive an offer letter for full-time hire at the end of the internship.

What I wish was different

My summer 2020 was fully remote and I wish that I had been able to go into the office. Further, there were days that were extremely slow, but that is pretty normal for a summer internship in accounting.


Say yes to as many extra opportunities that you can. Networking is one of the things that will help you the most, and people here are absolutely amazing.
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Tax Intern

January - April 2020 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I loved the people that I worked with. Everyone at Eide Bailly was so friendly and so willing to help whenever needed. I felt that I was able to get great hands on experience and I always felt valued and important while there. It was a great environment to learn and grow.

What I wish was different

A few months into my internship, Covid19 hit and we had to start working from home. I obviously wish that the whole internship could have been in person, however, I still feel like I had a great experience and was grateful for the time in the office I had. People were still so willing to help during Covid19 and were available to talk whenever needed.


I would highly recommend doing an internship and I would highly recommend doing it with Eide Bailly. The internship got me hands on experience so I now know what to look forward to in my perspective career and it showed me what kind of firm I want to work for.
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Audit associate

January - April 2019 • Fargo, ND

What I liked


What I wish was different


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August 2018 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I have gained great experience so far as an auditor. Eide Bailly is a great place to work. They take care of their employees and everyone I work with is great.

What I wish was different


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Tax Intern

June - August 2018 • Tulsa, OK

What I liked

The experience I gathered from the internship and transferring book knowledge to tasks in the office.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been more work for me to do. However, summer season does not fall within busy season so this was to be expected.


Be flexible and always say yes
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Audit Intern

June - August 2018 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

The people and the company are awesome. Everyone was helpful and nice. Good friendships.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have been busier.


Make sure you take the outliers out of the experience and focus on the things you learn about the field and the type of work in making the decision for long-term career.
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