
Manufacturing Co-op

May - August 2020 • Beltsville, MD

What I liked

It was a very nice experience to have, especially when many other work places were being shut down and internships being canceled do to COVID.

What I wish was different

I really wish the work was not remote, it took away a big portion of what I was interested in, that being working on the shop floor.


Try to reach out and speak to the representatives at the career fairs. They are incredibly kind and will help you with any questions and help revise your resume to get it ready for potential interviews with the company.
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Continous Improvement Engineer

June - August 2021 • Lincoln, IL

What I liked

I liked the different types of work I did. I was able to work with many different departments and learned about all the different aspects of the company!

What I wish was different

I wish I got actual projects assigned to me instead of random tasks.


Be ready to do anything!
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Design Engineering Intern

June - August 2020 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

I did this internship virtually because of covid, so I enjoyed getting used to the virtual setting for meetings as that's what will probably be used in the immediate future. I enjoyed seeing the electrical side of the industry as my main focus in the past has been mechanical.

What I wish was different

I wish that I would have set up more meetings with my manager and been more proactive in asking for things to do, rather than waiting for him to tell me what I could work on.


I would say to keep in constant contact with your team members, have questions prepared to ask before your meetings so you can use the time you have with them as efficiently as possible.
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Technical Sales Intern

May - August 2020 • Cadillac, MI

What I liked

I loved the opportunity to learn about the company and the field of technical sales. Even from a virtual setting I had the opportunity to collaborate with other interns and network with many Eaton employees.

What I wish was different

I, and I think everyone else, wish that this experience could have been in person; however, I applaud Eaton's efforts to still put on an excellent virtual intern program and learning experience.


One piece of advice that I would give about this experience is to not be afraid to pick up the phone. A lot of people looked at a virtual internship and completely gave up on any impactful networking because it wasn' t in person. I took advantage of Eaton contacts and LinkedIn over the Summer to set up multiple phone calls with employees from a variety of job positions. I learned so much about the company culture as well as future career opportunities through these interactions.
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Operations Engineering Internship

May - August 2019 • Galesburg, MI

What I liked

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to visit a different state for 3 months and being taken out of my comfort zone. I liked experiencing the professional workplace and doing engineering work that wasn't for a grade.

What I wish was different

I wish that it had been longer. I was working at this location for 3 months and felt like I had just got into the swing of things when the internship came to an end.


My piece of advice would be to not feel intimidated by working with people who have been there for years or are much older than you. They don't expect you to know everything or be a remarkable asset to the team, they know you will only be there for a short time and are mainly there to learn so it would be best to view it as a learning experience.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

October 2018 • North Charleston, SC

What I liked

The pay was great and there were some great networking opportunities.

What I wish was different

I wish they hadn't led me on by telling me I'd be hired before the end


If the internship is for ME or QE, go for it. If it's for CI, pass.
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Corporate Financial Analyst

January 2019 • Galesburg, MI

What I liked

-Great work experience -Ability to relate work experience to things we learn in classes -Everyone at Eaton wants you to learn and suceed

What I wish was different

I do not wish that anything was different. My experience being a Co-Op at Eaton was hands down the best decision I have made in my life, and would not change anything about it.


Do not be hesitant to apply for internships/co-ops with companies that interest you. They are great ways to learn if a certain career path is the right fit for you.
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Electrical intern

May - August 2019 • Galesburg, MI

What I liked

I loved the coworkers and other interns I met.

What I wish was different

I wish the location had been different.


Just know that you won’t discover your actual position and location until a few months before you start.
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Marketing communications co-op

June 2019 • Galesburg, MI

What I liked

The chance to learn marketing communications from a corporate perspective.

What I wish was different

Nothing. So far, so good! The company is great to work for and my boss has been fantastic!


Don’t be afraid to take risks or feel uncomfortable. It’s hard, but these times are when I’ve learned the most.
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Design Engineering Intern

May 2019 • Southfield, MI

What I liked

I like the fact that the work I am doing is valuable to the company and it’s not just “summer intern work”. Having direct mentors speeds up the learning process.

What I wish was different

There wasn’t anything that I wish was different.


Eaton is a great place to intern or co-op at. I highly recommend it to other students.
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Engineering intern

May - August 2019 • Eden Prairie, MN

What I liked

applying my learning and seeing what the professional field is like

What I wish was different

more hands on


apply early
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Lead Engineering Tech

January 2005 • Wilsonville, OR

What I liked

I've been working full time 10+ years for this company, i recently set a hard goal to complete BSEET in Spring-2020. This goal creates challenges when meeting work goals, within that i enjoyed documenting schedule and projects completed while taking 9+ credit each term.

What I wish was different

Take more time off work, schedule more classes and work on scholarships to help financial load. I could have done a better job documenting my projects completed at work, when I apply for positions next year this will help communicate my leadership strengths and give validation to experience level.


You can work full-time and complete college goals, only negative applies toward completing degree quickly.
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Cooper lightening

May - December 2019 • Vicksburg, MS

What I liked

I liked the environment and the way I was treated on the shift

What I wish was different


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Application Engineering Co-Op

January - August 2019 • Arden, NC

What I liked

The opportunity to work in a manufacturing plant. It allowed me to be able to see the direct results from the work I was doing, as well as see many of the other different aspects (sales, manufacturing engineering, plant floor support, etc) that goes into the manufactured product. Working within the Medium Voltage Motor Controls product line also afforded me an opportunity to work in a sector of Electrical Engineering I may not have considered working in post college.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to have more opportunities to work directly with the manufactured product. However, due to the dangerous nature of Medium Voltage, it is understandable why not many opportunities presented themselves.


I would suggest that students should not be afraid to interact with their fellow employees, and to ask questions. In the first few weeks of my co-op, I kept to myself, outside of interacting with my boss. Once I started interacting and getting to know my co-workers, I was able to develop a good relation with them, both personally and professionally. This professional relationship also afforded me more learning opportunities outside of my assigned work.
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Operations Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Galesburg, MI

What I liked

I loved the whole experience of this summer. Not only did I learn a lot about a specific style of engineering, but I also got the chance to live alone in a completely different state and work professionally for 3 months. I'll always remember my summer servicing transmissions as the start of my career.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been some help in finding a place to live in the area I worked for my internship. It was hard finding a place I would want to live for 3 and a half months from 14 hours away.


Have an open mind about each day. Some days I learnt a lot and I met new people. Other days I didn't learn anything because my manager was so busy, and I didn't talk to anybody. It was important to remember both of these types of days are normal and okay.
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Electrical Engineering Intern

May 2019 • Menomonee Falls, WI

What I liked

Eaton is a company that emphasized values first, which helped form a great culture that I absolutely loved working in. I was able to do software development for automated testing framework. I had the freedom to explore how to create the framework but was able to ask questions others for technical advice. I always had consistent check in to make sure I had everything I needed. Great work environment with plenty of flexibility.

What I wish was different


Come in with an open mind and be willing to ask questions if you don't know something.
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Operations Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Kings Mountain, NC

What I liked

Very engaging and felt like a part of the company, even though I was only there for the Summer. I was consistently challenged and given plenty of opportunities to shine and exhibit my skills to the company.

What I wish was different

I wish that I would have had more exposure with other departments while I was working, but I was able to get a quality overview of them. Eaton is great at personalizing your experience for what you are most passionate about.


Always ask questions and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone because those moments are when you learn the most and develop at a faster pace.
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Corporate communications intern

June - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

Eaton has a great company culture. I was able participate in various community service work with United Way and really experience the organization. I learned so much and received support from people in all departments, and was even able to lead projects throughout the summer.

What I wish was different


In this role, it was important to be able to give and receive honest feedback. Everyone there wants to help you to improve and wants to hear what new perspectives you can offer.
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Finance and accounting intern

May - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

I liked that I got to meet several intelligent and professional people. I had coffee with a global economist and worked on a project with a CFA.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had a different project, it mainly dealt with creating lists in Excel, whereas I wanted to do more finance or accounting work.


Come in early and stay late. Do good work and don’t let people see you get flustered or stressed even when you are. Try to extend the internship by a couple weeks. It flies by!
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Operations Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Greenwood, SC

What I liked

Opportunity to learn many ropes involving Eaton's manufacturing process, specifically their Hydraulics products.

What I wish was different

Wish I could have had more time to learn.


It is always a good choice to step into the unknown and be uncomfortable to achieve growth in yourself.
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