Co-x3 Family Foundation

Project Manager Intern

May 2024 • Dover, DE

What I liked

I applied for the Project Management Intern position with high hopes for The Co-x3 Family Foundation, drawn in by their mission of driving social innovation and community empowerment. However, my experience with the application process was quite the opposite. Despite their emphasis on effective project management and community impact, the lack of communication from the company was concerning. After expressing interest in my profile and scheduling an interview within a 24-hour window, they completely ghosted me. Despite my follow-up attempts, they didn't respond. This lack of follow-up demonstrates a lack of professionalism but also shows a disregard for the time and effort applicants invest in the application process.

What I wish was different

As someone eager to contribute to meaningful initiatives, I was let down by the way The Co-x3 Family Foundation handled things. While the internship is unpaid, professionalism and clear communication should not be undervalued, especially by a nonprofit organization committed to making a positive impact.


One piece of advice I would offer based on this experience is to always prioritize clear and transparent communication. Even though it is disappointing to find unprofessional behaviour, maintaining professionalism and expressing your expectations will already mark a standard for every interaction. Also, don't be afraid to share your thoughts when it feels right. Your feedback could help make things better not just for you, but for others who come after you. It's a small step, but it can make a big difference in how things work out for everyone involved.
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