American Woodmark

Internal Audit Intern

May - August 2019 • Winchester, VA

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with all of the wonderful people at American Woodmark. They have a great corporate culture and push their employees to share any new ideas they may have as well as to question current processes. I was able to engage in hands-on work very quickly and even had the opportunity to travel with the team to perform remote audits.

What I wish was different

It took a little bit to get set up as coming in I didn't have a computer or any official projects. However, after a week or so this was corrected. There also was a large amount of paperwork required at various times which could become tedious.


Never be afraid to ask questions. It helps the entire team if everyone is on the same page and saves time since your not confused. Often it actually helps others understand the topic better of they can explain it to you as well and who knows you may just change someone's perspective.
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