Adobe Systems

Data Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

I was given an extreme level of autonomy to work on a project that has a legitimate impact to the company. I was not just fetching coffee. I was given access to work with terabytes of customer data (in a controlled environment) and pull out results that people high up in the company were looking to get insight on. On one occasion this included a specific request from the vice president of Microsoft.

What I wish was different

By sheer circumstance the summer I interned with Adobe was when over half the members on my team had there significant 6 week vacation for completing 5 or 10 year anniversaries with the company. That on top of the recent privacy European privacy policy changes known as GDPR I hardly was able to see those members of my team that were still around. The freedom (or even isolation as it may be) was really a blessing and a curse. Some tasks took longer than the would have otherwise but I was able to grow and figure things out on my own in a very "trial by fire" way.


Internships themselves are great but internships where the company respect you, your work, and your abilities are incredible. The opportunity to really dig into a real world problem related to what you study is invaluable.
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Business Development Representative

May - August 2022 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

The culture and people at Adobe are amazing. I was challenged everyday but that is what the Adobe Sales Academy so impactful. Experience of a lifetime. 5 stars.

What I wish was different


LinkedIn is the most important tool to get a job/internship and to be successful in that job/internship. Always always be networking.
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Customer Solutions Intern

May - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Loved the work culture + structure of the teams. Everyone encouraged me to network across different teams during my summer, and I was given the time to learn more about the business on my own terms

What I wish was different

Being that this internship was virtual, I would've loved to be in person. Additionally, a bit more clarity on what the work would actually be before going into it would have been helpful.


Great experience, meet a lot of smart + engaging people!
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Business Development Representative

May - August 2021 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

The company culture, the training and skill development, and the ability to network.

What I wish was different

More time at Adobe!!


My advice to any intern is to lean in to skills that you struggle with, be open to learning, and remember that you have a unique gift/skill set that you can show off!
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HR Business Operations Intern

June - September 2021 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

Great Intern Perks, Swag, Benefits, but also very welcoming community and leaders. Project that correlated to my major which was interesting.

What I wish was different

It was remote so I wish we had more strategic intern events.


Don't be afraid to ask questions or network outside of your function/team.
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Sales Development Representative

May - August 2020 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

I loved the people at Adobe. I’ve always heard that who you surround yourself with is who you become. Those with whom I rubbed shoulders at Adobe exemplify the type of human I want to be. The culture and atmosphere that is created by the people at Adobe is intoxicating. I loved the deep creativity, the constant learning, and the push for innovation. My internship was hands down the most pivotal moment in my career thus far. Thank you Adobe!

What I wish was different


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Adobe Sales Academy Intern

May - August 2020 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

-Adobe's culture! The internship was virtual so I deeply appreciated how special the internship was despite that it was virtual. -The interns were able to work with "higher ups." I was able to meet with the Vice President of my division

What I wish was different

Truly nothing. I loved working for Adobe and felt so valued.


Go in with an open mind and learn as much as possible. I never thought I would enjoy sales as much as I did.
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Sales intern

May - August 2020 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed the supportive employees at Adobe making the environment inclusive and innovative. I got the chance to shadow high-level sales reps and learned different sales techniques and strategy.

What I wish was different

I wish that we could have been in the office. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic this was remote. This was still an enjoyable experience and learned a lot about sales.


I would advise others to network with other people in the company and book coffee chats with others and get to know them.
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Software Engineer

May 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked


What I wish was different



Show up everyday, even if you think you aren't going to produce well.
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Solutions Architect Intern

June - August 2019 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

Being an architect intern was a super unique experience--most companies only hire architects after they have spent a couple years as software engineers, and so coming on as an intern meant that I got to work with very experienced tech professionals each day. In addition, Adobe is just an awesome company with diverse and friendly employees. I loved working for them.

What I wish was different

I wish my personal experience could've maybe been a little more structured, but I think that mostly came from me being the first intern my manager had and the first one in my department.


Make connections and learn from everyone you can. People are rooting for you, and everyone has had a 'first day' or 'first week' at your company and can help you learn the ropes and smooth out that learning curve.
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Network Reliability Engineer Intern

May 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

I loved working with an experienced team of seasoned network engineers. I mostly worked on automating processes and helping the team with building infrastructure as code. I reached out to as many employees as I could on the team, as well as employees from other areas of the business. The other interns also made the experience a 10/10 summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I had started asking questions sooner. At the beginning of my internship I was afraid to ask questions when I didn't know something, I was worried I was bothering someone when I did. As I got to know my team I realized they were more than willing to help, I just had to reach out and ask. I also wish HR had been a bit more responsive. I am still waiting to hear back on if I will have a return offer and I had a few issues when I first started my internship with onboarding because of problems with my offer location and start date.


Don't be afraid to reach out to as many people as you can! As an intern everyone expects you to be learning and exploring what jobs are out there- take advantage of it! Most of the time people are super willing to give you career advice, tell you about their careers and talk with you about the jobs that are out there. I met more Alumni from my major at Adobe than I have anywhere else, including Alumni events. It was super inspirational to meet with them, and other management and employees, and I was able to see what options are out there. In addition, ask questions! If you have a good manager, they won't want you to feel overwhelmed or like you are failing. Be open with your manager about where you are at and what you need to be successful, then ask your co-workers for help when you don't know something or are confused.
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Data Warehouse Analyst Intern

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

Adobe was amazing because they gave interns real projects that had impact. They also treated interns really well and make it a fun experience

What I wish was different


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Financial Analyst

April 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

Pay and benefits are amazing, plus it's a tech company so not really a dress code.

What I wish was different

I was hired during my final semester would have been nice if I started right after.


The interview was intense just make sure you're prepared for it and don't claim you know how to do anything you don't actually know.
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Front-End Software Engineer

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

Incredible environment, very bright and intelligent coworkers, fun projects that contribute to the company.

What I wish was different

I wish it could have lasted longer, not because the internship was short, but because I was learning so much that I wanted it to be longer than 16 weeks.


Learn as much as you can from the team you work on.
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Solution Consulting Intern

June - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Wellness benefits

What I wish was different

More structured


Great company
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Web UI Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

It was an absolutely fantastic experience. I got to work on my own project that contributed a lot to the product and learn from talented programmers on my team. Everyone was very nice and the atmosphere was productive and relaxed.

What I wish was different

It would have been nice to get a little more experience working along-side other senior developers because there was so much knowledge I could have gained from them, but that is just a small thing I would change.


I would say to make the most of it because it ends faster than you think it will.
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Backend Developer Intern

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

Adobe is an incredible company. It has the resources and diversity of a large company but with the personalization of a small company. They are doing incredible work and the benefits rocked.

What I wish was different

I wish they had been faster and more proactive in extending return offers. I have been waiting for several months to hear whether or not I will receive an offer to go back.


Take initiative to solve problems you come across on your own. Be eager to learn and experience new things. Go above and beyond the expectations your team has of you.
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Software Engineer

July - September 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

The diversity of individuals

What I wish was different


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Account Development Manager Intern

May - August 2018 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

I loved the people and the Sales Academy Program. They are really invested in making your experience as fulfilling as possible.

What I wish was different


Be ready to work! There is a lot of room to grow if you allow it!
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Financial Analyst Intern

May - August 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I really enjoyed the people I worked with. Everyone was very kind and willing to answer questions and or provide help. In addition to this, many high-level executives and directors were more than willing to schedule one on ones to tell me more about what they did.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have gained more exposure to other groups in accounting and finance.


To be very willing to reach out to every professional there.
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