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Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries

The Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries will serve the church by working with the Christian Education Committee to develop a comprehensive educational ministries program for providing engaging and impactful educational ministries for middle school youth, high school youth, and college-aged young adults of the church. He/She will further work with trained adult volunteers to foster faith development and nurture the spiritual growth of our youth and young adults through biblical learning, fellowship, and mission activities.

Position: Program Staff, Exempt, Part-time 15 hours per week 

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities 

• A Christian with a strong, demonstrated commitment to following Jesus Christ who is enthusiastic, energetic, and creative in Christian Education and Spiritual Formation leadership. 
• Bachelor’s degree and education experience required.  Experience in Christian education leadership roles and/or seminary training preferred.   
• Able to work within and support the beliefs and practices of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  
• Successful completion of background check 
• Heart for God 
• Able to relate well with young people 
• Strong teaching and facilitation skills 
• Strong interpersonal skills 
• Strong organizational skills 
• Self-starter, able to work without day-to-day supervision  


The duties required of this position include but may not be limited to the following  

1. Working in conjunction with Pastor, or designee, and Director of Christian Education, review and select curriculum materials and educational tools for middle and high school programs, and young adults.  

2. Meet on a monthly basis with the Pastor to discuss plans and concerns and to provide an update on the youth ministry program. Seek advice from the pastor and parents of the youth as needed. 

3. Plan, develop and facilitate creative programs, Bible studies, and /or fellowship for youth meetings once a week for middle and high school youth. Meetings are usually held on Sunday and will be less frequent in the summer. a. Plan and implement service and mission projects for the youth.  b. Plan and coordinate youth camps, conferences, retreats and trips as appropriate. c. Plan and facilitate, in coordination with the Pastor, or designee, the annual Youth Sunday when the youth conduct the worship services. d. Plan and facilitate, in coordination with the Pastor, or designee, and Christian Education Director, the annual recognition for high school graduates during a Sunday service. 

4. Attend the 10:30 Sunday morning worship service and be available to sit with youth during the service. 

5. Assist in the developing and teaching of the confirmation class with the Pastor, or designee, and volunteer class leaders.  

6. Help youth to plan and implement fund raising activities and events to raise money for youth and young adult related activities, with fundraising approval received from the Christian Education Committee and the Session prior to the event. 

7. Develop relationships with middle and high school youth through the weekly programs and by serving as a positive role model. 

8. Oversee, develop, and grow the ministry to young adults by connecting and interacting with them through 3 times per year gatherings and small groups, and care packages/notes to college students.   

9. Accountability for accurate weekly reporting to the Christian Education Director of records regarding attendance at Sunday school, Youth Group, and any other children/youth activities. Includes but not limited to attendance counts, waiver forms required for events, contact information for each child, and other required documentation.    

10. In coordination with the Christian Education Director, submit articles to the pastor and executive secretary for the monthly newsletter announcing upcoming events. Articles may also be submitted to the pastor for weekly news as appropriate. 

11. Communicate activities and schedules weekly with the youth and their parents through texts, social media, emails, postcards, or phone calls.  

12. Maintain an inventory of equipment and supplies, purchasing supplies as needed. 

13. Submit expense reports including all supporting documentation, expenses, and invoices in a timely manner according to established guidelines.  

14. Attend called or stated Christian Education Committee meetings as scheduled. 

15. Recruit and train youth advisors and encourage parental participation as needed. 

16. Attend staff meetings, retreats, and other meetings requested by the Pastor, or designee.  

Report to: The Pastor, as Head of Staff, or designee, for supervision and all regular job responsibilities and communication. The Christian Education Director and Committee for coordination, planning, and budget purposes.  The Personnel Committee for performance appraisal and compensation matters. 

Safety:   All safety procedures must be followed.  

• Follow all guidelines in the Covenant Presbyterian Church Child & Youth Protection Policy. • Attend the annual Fire/AED Training. 
• Report all instances where safety protocols/policies are not followed to the Pastor as quickly as possible verbally and then in writing as quickly as able. Conditions of 

Employment:  Salary as approved by Session.   After the 90-day probationary period, vacation and sick time will be given according to the guidelines listed on in the HR Policy Manual. There is no carry-over or reimbursement for unused vacation at the end of the calendar year. Time off is to be requested on the “Request for Time Off” Form, available in the church office, and submitted to the Pastor, as Head of Staff, or designee. 

Hours: 15 hours per week. Sunday is the primary workday. On Sunday, it is expected that you are in the building by 9:00 a.m. and be available in the Library Lounge by 9:30 a.m. to have conversation time with congregants.  You may not request time off for the following holidays or events unless a personal or family emergency occurs: Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, Carols & Lights, Christmas Eve (both services), Christmas Day (if on Sunday), Christmas Pageant, and Vacation Bible School.  The Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries will be responsible for arranging their replacement and providing their contact information to the Pastor, as Head of Staff, or designee, and Christian Education Director. The Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries is responsible for timely reporting of all expenses and invoices to the Financial Administrator in accordance with the Church Purchasing Policy.  The Session of Covenant Presbyterian Church has the final determination in evaluating job performance and employment. 

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