Postdoctoral Associate
A Postdoctoral position is available in 2025 for a highly-motivated, enthusiastic individual in the NIH-funded group of Dr. Weiran Feng in the Cancer Epigenetics Institute, Fox Chase Cancer Center. Opening in Jan 2025, the Feng group will be studying the mechanisms of prostate cancer development and therapy resistance. We leverage state-of-the-art animal and organoid models, genetic engineering, functional genetics and genomic approaches to investigate the molecular mechanisms driving prostate cancer initiation, progression, and therapy resistance. Our research explores both cancer cell-intrinsic pathways and the cell-cell interactions within the tumor microenvironment. Our overarching goal is to make mechanistic discoveries that drive novel therapy development to improve clinical benefits.
Interested applicants should be highly dedicated, enthusiastic and have experience publishing peer reviewed manuscripts. Expertise in cancer biology, epigenetics, CRISPR engineering, animal work, molecular biology, and computation biology is preferred. In addition, applicants should possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to conduct research both independently and collaboratively.
Dr. Weiran Feng received PhD training in molecular and cell biology and genome editing with Dr. Maria Jasin at MSKCC. He then received postdoctoral training in organoid technology and cancer genetics with Dr. Charles Sawyers at MSKCC, with a focus on prostate cancer initiation. His work: i) developed an efficient approach to CRISPR edit organoids and freshly isolated primary cells for rapid in vivo functional interrogation; ii) discovered a cell context dependency and vulnerabilities of ERG, the most prevalent oncogenic transcription factor in prostate cancer. He co-authored 11 manuscripts, including 4 first-author research papers in top journals, and received awards including an Olayan Fellowship Award, DoD Early Investigator Research Award, PCF Young Investigator Award, and an NCI-K99/R00 Award.
The Feng laboratory is a member of the Cancer Epigenetics Institute (CEI) at Fox Chase. CEI offers trainees exceptional access to global epigenetics leaders and industry experts. CEI hosts an annual symposium featuring discussions on the latest advances, poster sessions, and travel awards. Trainees also present their research to colleagues within CEI and across FCCC. The institute is committed to enhancing each trainee’s networking opportunities and exposure to cutting-edge science, supporting optimal career development that is suited for you.
As one of the four original cancer centers to receive comprehensive designation from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Fox Chase has been at the forefront of cancer research for almost 90 years and is home to world-class clinicians, scientists, and research facilities. Moreover, Fox Chase is part of the rich scientific and biotech environment in the Philadelphia region and has a strong record of career placement in academia, industry, as well as other scientific positions.