Visitor Services Volunteer/Internship Opportunity
Visitor Services
Volunteer/Internship Opportunity
August 24, 2025 – November 22, 2025
Summary: Join the visitor services team at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and represent the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service during this unique internship opportunity. Gain experience facilitating curriculum based environmental education programs for K-12 students. Hone your skills conducting interpretive programs for a variety of public audiences. Enjoy conversations with the myriad of visitors you’ll meet while operating the visitor center. Adapt programs to a virtual setting and develop new programs. Build your resume and get a competitive edge as you begin a career.
Interns may work varied hours in adverse conditions. Applicants must be in good physical condition and possess a valid driver's license. Familiarity with interpretive techniques, public speaking, and computer skills is helpful.
40 hours per week; housing may be available; $500/week stipend
For more information, or to apply, submit cover letter, resume, and references to:
Rebecca Lewis
Visitor Services Specialist
14000 West State Route 2
Oak Harbor, OH 43449
419-898-0014 ext 17