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Analyst Intern

Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is seeking an Analyst Intern for the Summer of 2025. The Analyst Intern will provide analytical and operational support for the Engineering & Operations department while assisting with daily energy market offers for Buckeye’s power plants and consumer energy.


  • Assist with creating the daily generation schedules and energy forecasts for Buckeye Power.
  • Analyze and evaluate the energy forecasts to minimize future hourly deviations and reduce costs.
  • Review and validate hourly energy settlements based on the generation schedules and energy forecasts.
  • Coordinate with the Field Operations group to ensure all remote telemetry is working correctly.
  • Develop new data methodologies to identify issues with energy meters or billing issues.
  • Create new reports for energy market settlements and to highlight billing issues.  Reviewing findings with management.
  • Assist with maintaining and improving the database applications used by Market Operations.
  • Assist the department with natural gas purchases for power plant operations.
  • Help complete various Market Operations and Risk Management related tasks, as needed.

Buckeye Power is the generation and transmission cooperative jointly owned by the 25 electric distribution cooperatives serving Ohio. Today’s energy market requires a balance between environmental concern and the ability to meet future demand for electricity, while ensuring that power remains reliable and affordable. We believe that technology, efficiency, and innovation are crucial to providing for the electricity needs to over 400,000 homes, farms, and businesses. We have successfully dealt with economic and legislative challenges by always keeping the best interests of our member systems and their consumers at the forefront. Buckeye Power’s flagship Cardinal Generating Station is a best-in-class world performer in reduction of emissions, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and particulates. The flue gas desulfurization systems, or scrubbers, remove about 98 percent of sulfur dioxide — acid rain —produced in the generation process. The addition of the scrubbers means that the Cardinal plant is now one of the cleanest of its kind in the world. Buckeye Power is diversifying its generation mix by acquiring additional capacity from both traditional and renewable energy sources, such as green power in the form of animal waste anaerobic biodigesters, as well as solar panels.

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives (OREC) is the statewide trade association for the 25independently owned and operated electric cooperatives in Ohio and one in West Virginia. The Columbus- based, not-for-profit organization fosters collaboration among member co-ops and advocates on their behalf in the halls of government. It also provides value-added services for the benefit of its member co-ops and their consumer-members, including public and member relations; legislative advocacy; safety and loss control consulting (including lineworker training);education and training; and material supply distribution. OREC also publishes the monthly Ohio Cooperative Living magazine, which reaches approximately 300,000 homes, farms, and businesses across the Buckeye State.

Together, Buckeye Power and Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives work collaboratively to form Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives.