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Child Support Enforcement and Public Assistance Attorney

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TITLE:                       Child Support Enforcement and Public Assistance Attorney


DIVISION:                 Child Support Enforcement and Public Assistance Divisions 


WORKING HOURS:  8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.   


JOB OBJECTIVES:   Under direct supervision of the JFS Administrator, incumbent conducts administrative child support hearings and provides legal representation in court for the Portage County Child Support Enforcement Agency (“CSEA”) pertaining to all statutory requirements as well as Public Assistance overpayment claims.   



  1. Provide legal representation in court for the Portage County JFS pertaining to all statutory requirements          including, but not limited to, pre-trial motions/hearings, enforcement actions on existing child support orders, evidentiary hearings, arraignments, UIFSA petitions, administrative paternity/child support order, and review and adjustment proceedings. Incumbent reviews cases and associated files prior to hearings. 
  2. May draft and file legal documents in appropriate court with jurisdiction in Public Assistance matters regarding unpaid, delinquent overpayment claims incurred by current or past clients in receipt of public welfare benefits.
  3. Provide legal representation in court for the Portage County Public Assistance Division pertaining to all statutory requirements including, but not limited to, small claims and felony court cases pertaining to unpaid; delinquent overpayment claims incurred by current or past clients in receipt of public welfare benefits. 
  4. Conduct administrative hearings (including but not limited to: child support establishment, termination and modification objections, mistake-of-fact, and FIDM ) by ensuring that hearing dates are properly scheduled, including the date, time and place of hearing, arranging for the appearance of all hearing participants and reviewing cases and associated files before hearing is conducted. 
  5. Conduct hearings by eliciting testimony; ensure all involved parties’ rights to due process is afforded; review and assess testimony and evidence; apply appropriate program regulations and/or State and Federal laws; render a written opinion based on the presentation of the facts. 
  6. Research relevant regulations, policies and laws; prepare necessary paperwork, reports and records related to the preparation and administration of all hearings. 
  7. Ensure that paralegals accurately prepare complaints, motions, orders etc on case load activities; write letters to both payor and payee to keep them informed of case progress; write letters to attorneys or courts involved with cases in order to communicate on specific cases. 
  8. Review casework of Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) case managers when referred to Legal Department for completeness and accuracy. Provide final approval for term recommendations and paternity testing results.
  9. Provide training to CSEA staff. 
  10. Represent CSEA in all Court hearings as assigned by the JFS Administrator; Represent Public Assistance Division in all Court hearings as assigned by the Lead Attorney.


  1. Draft and file all legal documents in the appropriate court with jurisdiction in child support matters.
  2. Provide legal advice and opinions to JFS Administrator, supervisors and staff in reference to matters concerning child support responsibilities outlined in the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code.
  3. Adhere to all policies and procedures established by the court with jurisdiction over child support matters and the Child Support Enforcement Agency.
  4. Consult with the Administrator to assist in creating and updating Agency policies and procedures. 
  5. Maintain files in accordance with court and CSEA agency requirements.
  6. Meet with CSEA case management and fiscal staff to discuss current cases before the court and to review cases which will potentially be brought before the court.
  7. Meet with Public Assistance Fraud Investigators and managers to review cases which will potentially be brought before the court.
  8. Collaborate with CSEA staff relative to filing liens and developing legal strategies for attachment of assets to collect unpaid child support obligations.
  9. Research relevant regulations, policies and laws.
  10. Prepare necessary pleadings in foreclosures, bankruptcy actions, probate proceedings, and other like actions, for collection of unpaid child support obligations.
  11. Answer correspondence and telephone inquiries; handle customer complaints and disturbances.
  12. Keep current regarding all laws pertaining to child support enforcement by attending legal continuing education programs, seminars, and conferences.
  13. Maintain all continuing education requirements as established by the Ohio Supreme Court.
  14. Perform related duties as required.
  15. Demonstrate regular and predictable attendance.
  16. Operate a motor vehicle as needed to perform the essential functions. 



Performs related Essential and Non-Essential functions as needed.




Systems:         Ability to operate computers for data input and retrieval; proficiency in Microsoft Office, GroupWise and Internet Explorer; knowledge of CRIS-E, OIES, SACWIS, OWCMS, SETS, Maximus Ledger Suite, MUNIS, MITS, BUY-IN, E-GATEWAY, E-QUIL, CCIDS, Time Force, Agency’s Digital Imaging system and other systems as required by program area responsibility. 


Equipment:     Incumbent operates equipment such as, but not limited to, the following:  personal computer, printer, calculator, multi-functional copier, scanner, fax machine and shredder.


Competencies: To perform the job successfully, an individual should demonstrate the following competencies in the position:


  1. Communication Skills – Communicate clearly and informatively using multiple methods and forms of media.  Present numerical data effectively. 
  2. Customer Service – Manage difficult or emotional customer situations. Respond promptly and effectively to customer needs.  Solicit customer feedback to improve service.
  3. Ethics – Treat people with respect.  Keep commitments.  Maintain confidentiality. Uphold organizational values.  Work with integrity and maintain high standards of integrity.
  4. Initiative – Volunteer readily. Undertake self-development activities.  Seek increased responsibilities. Take independent actions and calculated risks. Look for and take advantage of opportunities. Ask for and offer help when needed. 
  5. Interpersonal Skills – Focus on solving conflict, not blaming.  Listen to others without interrupting.  Keep emotions under control and use reason when dealing with emotional topics. Remain open to others’ ideas and try new things.
  6. Planning – Establish well developed short- and long-term plans to meet future needs. Recognize progress points and monitor plans to achieve desired results. Implement contingency plans. Adhere to schedules and plans with ability to prioritize. 
  7. Technical Skills – Thorough knowledge of federal, state, county and departmental policies, procedures and practices. Knowledge of JFS computer systems and related software packages, including policies and procedures associated with their use.  Pursue training and development opportunities to continuously build knowledge and skills. Share expertise with others. Demonstrate knowledge of public administration principles.


Job Standards:      Possession of a Juris Doctorate degree is required. Must have a current license to practice law in the state of Ohio and be in good standing with the Supreme Court of Ohio.  Must possess a valid Ohio driver’s license and maintain continuing eligibility under the existing County driver eligibility standards.



Work consists of varied, complex, non-standardized tasks requiring the knowledge of numerous  policies, rules, procedures, regulations, and laws.



Incumbent directs the work activities of paralegals and case managers. Supervisor provides general guidance allowing for the planning of procedures and methods to attain objectives.  Incumbent makes most decisions regarding work independently. 



Incumbent has contacts with co-workers, employees of the County, and with the general public.  The purpose of these contacts is to provide legal representation, information, services and assistance, to coordinate departmental efforts internally and with other County departments and outside entities, and to ensure compliance with policies, procedures, laws and regulations.




Requirements:           Incumbent performs sedentary work which may require lifting up to twenty (25) pounds occasionally. Ability to operate a motor vehicle. 

Physical Activity:      Incumbent performs the following physical activities:  talking, hearing, walking, driving and repetitive motions.

Visual Activity:         Incumbent performs work where the seeing job is close to the eyes.

Job Location:            Incumbent works inside with no exposure to adverse environmental conditions.