Math and Science Tutor
Club Z! is a national tutoring company. We take pride in matching tutors with students based on individual needs and qualifications. We utilize the student's classroom curriculum as well as offer study skills & test prep programs. We are a team of education enthusiasts. Our mission is to help students achieve their goals and reach their highest potential!
We are seeking Teachers AND Tutors for Math & Science! This is a part time position, $18-20/hr. We encourage applicants from Canton, Akron, Louisville, North Canton, Uniontown, Hartville, Canal Fulton, Dalton, and Doylestown to apply.
PLEASE NOTE: This position is in-person tutoring within the student’s home or online as requested.
Why work for Club Z!?
- Set your own schedule
- We match you with clients immediately
- Earn great pay and keep flexible hours
What do we look for in a tutor?
- Excellent communication skills and a friendly personality
- Minimum of AA Degree (or nearing completion of Sophomore yr) with preference shown to candidates with BA or Teaching Certificate
- Academic background in subject areas you wish to tutor
- Reliable Transportation
If you enjoy working one-on-one with students and making a difference in their education, please reply with your resume attached.