The pay. You have to have a degree to work this area, yet the pay is barely over minimum wage. It sucks because I absolutely know I’m doing what I was meant to do, yet it’s not going to pay for life as I get older.
Do what you love.
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pre school teacher
August 2018 • Pontiac, MI
What I liked
I like how I am able to still work during the semesters.
What I wish was different
Be prepared to learn and be patient with children.
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Substitute Teacher
June - August 2018 • Bridgewater Township, NJ
What I liked
Coworkers, children, food
What I wish was different
Stressful hours, overtime
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Head teacher
May - August 2018 • New York City, NY
What I liked
I loved working with the children. I taught a 2-3 year old class. It was an interim position.